Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Assignment 2-1... Pop Icon... The One, the Only (Thank God): Lady Gaga!!

Gotta Love (or Hate) GAGA!
Since this week we are talking about icons and focusing on what they mean, I think I have to pay homage to the pop culture icon of the moment, Lady Gaga. She is the modern day Madonna and is something that people idolize and praise on a daily basis. Her music is just the beginning of what Lady Gaga means to some people and what she means in the realm of pop culture. She is the epitome of pop culture, she is fashion forward, always pushing the envelope, and constantly changing what pop music is. Love her or hate her, she is something that is constantly talking about. People constantly wonder, what will Gaga do next? What is she going to wear to the next award show? What will her new song sound like? The list can go on and on. She is someone who people of all ages look up to and aspire to be like. She is someone who makes trends instead of follow them, thus making her a modern day icon.
            According to our key notes, there are three criteria that make up an icon. They are (1) People are impressed with the icon. Lady Gaga is constantly impressing her fans and musicians alike. She is someone that is consistently striving for something more and different and isn’t afraid to make a statement or cause a scene. She is someone that sells out concerts, has millions of friends and followers on various social networks and has the power to get people to do what she wants. (2) People literally do not allow the object to be touched. Since she is a person and not an object, she obviously is literally not touched like a car. But she seems to be untouchable. She can do anything and it seems like people will still love her. For instance, she wore meat as a dress to an award show, she didn’t care if PETA was mad or whatever, she was wearing it to make a statement (although I still don’t understand the statement…), and it didn’t hurt her image or career one bit—whereas it might have been a sore mistake for most other entertainers.  Lastly (3) A person has an emotional attachment to the item that boarders on obsession. Lady Gaga has a following of “Monsters” that are loyal, faithful and steadfast in their commitment to her. I’m sure there is more then one fan that is a little more then obsessed with her and her music and image. She is absolutely an icon, and although I am not a huge fan of her—I might as well get used to having her around, and continue dancing and singing along to all her songs!

1 comment:

  1. I also did my post last week on Gaga. She sure is a stand out, never know what she is going to do or wear next!
